Friday, June 11, 2010

Pika's Gone

Pika is gone adi..........well not for good la he is coming back on sunday. Lol.

Pika went to Penang for apparently "work" but all I am hearing from him is eat, sleep, play game, shopping.......yeah. Sounds like work to me.

Boo hu hu no fair! I also wanna have "work" like that.

I want to stay in hotel!

Hahaha being mengada la. But seriously I would like to have a day or two, just relaxing doing nothing at all. No plans, no house work, nothing to bother my mind. Wake up whenever I feel like it, sleep as late as I want, do whatever that comes to mind, eat whenever I want, and go wherever I want to.

Hehe, sounds like the good old college days.

BUT! I don't want it for more than a week. Can seriously turn into this big green walking moss because of boredom if its more than a week. Madness I tell you. Hehe.

Pika, I wanna do my nails!! why is it so hard to find time to do my nails?!

Nvm, bring it to work tomorrow. Muahaha! -bumming plan in progress-

Pika I am eating more than I should adi....going to grow fat soon.....sob sob.

And looking at the picture below doesn't help.......but I know it tastes so good!!

Do you know where this picture is taken?
It is simple and nice. I love gula melaka ^__^

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