Friday, June 3, 2011

Wedding bells are ringing again....

Gosh, I think I just caught the wedding vibes again......

Actually I am not really such in a hurry to get married? I am only concerned about my age when I marry. Haha! I mean, well I don't want to be an old mama you see. I am picturing myself if I get married at the age of maybe 30+? Then what, by the time my kids get to college I will be a grandma already!!

Then when my son/daughter wants to get married, we will meet the other side's parents of course then can you imagine if they ask, "Are these your grandparents?".....Oh the horror!!!!

Sigh, and I am getting old already!!

Speaking of weddings, I actually was quite laid back, chilling, not actually wanting to bother about marriage yet (cuz no money mah...) and then all of a sudden when I was talking to a student that probably I might get married in another 2 years time.......and it struck me when he said, "There are a lot of preparations and the time is not that short you know"......

And I was like, "Damn it! Correct wor!!" my mind la of course.

So I told the Boyfriend about this matter......

Ok, b4 going into the topic let me just shorten his nickname (its too long!) to TBF. So means TBF = The BoyFriend......

Right back to story........

So I told TBF and I said look, I am not putting any pressure but at what age are we getting married again? If its age 2*+ (No, not revelaling age here xD!!!) then we need to prepare a year ahead!

And you know what TBF said? "Aiyah, no need one la, very easy to plan only. No need to so stress one! Few months can kautim planning already!"

So ok, I thought it should be fine la. Sounds pretty easy. Furthermore TBF said his friend did the whole planning and he didn't see him stressed at all. It was peasy easy. With that assurance it did sound comforting until I asked my married colleague......


And I am like what the hell?? So hard to get dates one meh?? And you know what she said? She said LUCKILY she got saturday, otherwise she would have only gotten FRIDAY.

Seriously!!!!!! I gotta run and tell him this larh!! How HOW?!!! What if we can't get the date we want and unfortunately we get married at the age of 30?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I DUN WANTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. TBF sounds like a progamme, hahaha

    Then get married at 30 lo, can can? Lol, whyla u think ppl will call u grandma, so old and dried up adi meh at 50+?,kekeke

  2. hey, not like can get baby on the spot leh....what if I get pregnant much older?? Then 60 - 70 only kids grow up?? NOOOOOOO =P
