Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lunch Date Cancelled

Today was supposed to be a lunch date with me and the boyfriend, but unfortunately because I was in a meeting, I didn't bring my phone, so naturally I didn't answer his call, thus making him didn't come because he didn't get any confirmation from me.

And I thought it was confirmed yesterday? =_=

Anywayz, was kinda dissapointed he didn't come but oh well, been kinda whiney these days so aiyah forget it lah. Tired of getting upset already. Lol. He says he is coming tomorrow though. Hopefully it happens......with him something always crops up one.

Today at work has been a little interesting. Had meeting with the boss and yeah, manage to give him some feedback and base on what he said its like we kinda have a free will to give suggestions to him on how to bring in numbers. This I like, cuz then at least I can be heard ^^

Looking at this years intake is really daunting and scary, don't know if we can get bonus or not also. Can only dream of promotion now, but it will not be a reality? Keke, who knows. But I dun expect it for sure.

Only God can promote me now, and no one else. So if its meant for me to stay this low, I guess I gotta wait it out and stay low lor.......


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