Friday, May 27, 2011

No Rant's Today

Hmm, nothing much to complain today.......cuz I complained already yesterday? And this morning? LOL

Spending like nobody's business lately and sadly to say, my spending is not that all fantastic neither. =P Today went out with Ian and Nini to buy some stuff for work and because of the amount spent, we were eligible to buy some items at a discounted price. What attracted me most was the ceramic knife and also the ceramic peeler and it costs RM50 now, and the guy threw in a small knife and a scissors.

Apparently the guy said it's from UK, but when I looked at the back of the packaging being scribbled off was a sign written "Made in China". Really what the hell?! Too bad I already made the purchase. Oh well, if it isn't good then just too bad and throw it away? =(

See what I mean that I am not being good with my expenses?!

Thank goodness my pay is already in.....

Looking at the amount makes me happy......

But then the boyfriend is going to buy his Mac Air soon.....and yes, sponsoring half of the amount for the gadget........

Bummer, there goes the money again!!

I am thinking should I save money so that I can go HK next year? But with all these expenditures it seems like heck kinda far away dream........


-slowly drying-

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