Thursday, May 26, 2011

I need to stop complaining

I really feel like my mouth is the worst mouth one could ever have........when provoked =P

I mean, I can be this really mean person, talk and talk, more like critise and comment, often being so judgemental, scrutinizing everything people say or do, and yak, yak, yak, all the bad comments coming out non-stop.

I am also a very expressive person? Like when I am angry it shows all over the face and I become this over exaggerating person, and unfortunately I do this not to the person I am angry with but to the person I am explaining to. What an irony, maybe I should re-direct my anger to the correct person.....=X

Often than not whenever I start talking about a person, then later on I would realize I could be wrong, and feel guilty afterwards. Sometimes I can be right, but feel guilty afterwards cuz I critized someone. Shucks, can I be not screwed up??

I think the best way to reduce this is maybe rant here and shut-up when I meet people. Then I won't provoke people to anger and save myself the guilt. I dunno, sometimes I just feel the need to tell, talk about it, let it out,......but then I feel guilty afterwards.

Haiyah, I am such a confused nut and yet my boyfriend still loves me.

Aww.....huggies I love him too *when he doesn't annoy me =p*


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