Monday, May 23, 2011

Really, I can have the award of being the most lazy blogger in the world

Or Maybe, the most unmotivated blogger in the world?

It's quite unbelievable that I cannot even remember my gmail account and even the blogsite address. Fantastic, my boyfriend is going to give me an award on top of all the other 'fantastic' awards he has given me.......ciss.......

Looking back at all my post I cannot believe that I would be soooooo kiddish in me words. Seriously, who talks like that?? HELLO??? *looks away in denial* but yeah, I did, and I can't believe my boyfriend aka Pika actually entertained me all these while. Imagine the agony? I mean, I get irritated with girls who walk like cutesy and all and here I am being a hyprocrite acting like one on my blog?! I dunno, I suddenly feel disgusted at the way I blogged when I read back the posts. Maybe I am just pms-ing. Swt, I think I am more confused.

And who came up with the nickname PIKA?! *looks away in denial again*.......sounds like pikachu. Which is one character I did not get acquainted with let alone stand the sound of that yellow thingy saying 'Pika, pika, pikachuuuuuu'!!!.....okla, it can be cute but then my boyfriend doesn't say things like that!!

Maybe I should refer him to things that I am familiar and obviously like......maybe, snoopy? Hello Kitty? (Wakakaka) Doreamon? Tofu? Pucca? (ok, pucca is a girl =.=)...or lets call him, Charlie Brown??? Or just mention his name? But what about privacy issues? Crap, confused again.......


Anyway, lets just call him 'The Boyfriend' is getting sick quite often lately, and usual symptoms are vomitting, headache, tired, fever,.......horny? Haha kidding on the last part. But anyhow, he seems to be getting sick when we are out.

Like yesterday, la, la, la happy in Sunway Pyramid and then suddenly he feels feverish and cold. Despite sleeping in whole day yesterday, which usually he should be energetic the next day. Then later in the night he told me he puked out everything he ate (shit, which means all the fat from the food gone. mine's already processed and stored!!) and today, MC.

Seriously potong stim leh. I know, I should be the concerned, caring girlfriend but heck nowadays we can't even spend a decent whole day doing something nice, enjoyable, and relaxing minus the sleep in between! Most of the time yes, he might be free the whole day but somehow we would head back and take a nap which usually safe to say can take up 3-4 hours and like ugh, precious 'walking in the mall' time wasted. Or even if he spends time with me, suddenly he either says he is sick or he is tired, wanna rest more.

Sigh, seriously contemplating on just leaving him at home and I go out to the mall myself. Not to say I purposely want to show temper (actually I am) but if he needs more rest and I need more retail therapy, then maybe we should do things on our own? Though this is not what I want but he is getting sick too often already. Potong-ing my stim quite a lot =P

Okla, I am just being mean.......

To The Boyfriend......I love you to bits. Just wish we can spend more time together, NOT COUNTING CHURCH TIME CUZ THAT IS JUST DINNER!! But you know, like how we use to take our saturdays to do something nice together, at the mall, or going somewhere to visit, that sort of thing? I miss that. Nowadays it's either housework, gym, or sleep during the weekend. Where has all the fun gone to? Even though you might wanna please me, do it cuz u wanna, and have the energy to do it. Otherwise, we shall just stick to the routine lo......wat to do......haih....=P

Get well soon.......

Please dun get sick so often.......

And try not to sleep so much?? Take goood care of your body ah........

I am obviously getting old. Being so crappy and naggy at the same time. Sheesh.......

-peace out-


  1. Oklor, we go walk walk and shopping lor, took u to pahang beach adi ma, keke, if not for u I oso dowan to go that wedding wan, see how much I sayang u,muaks

  2. hehe I know u love me la.....muacks!
