Monday, August 2, 2010
The Dress Has Arrived
Looking at it now.........
Oh well, kinda dissapointed le Pika.......
Got holes in the dress some more.......
RM37 BURNED........T_T............
Pika, lets go to 1U and buy the dress at Miss Selfridge lo......
Friday, July 30, 2010
Dress is coming~!!
The dress is coming in 2 days time!
The person said it would arrive on monday wor.....
*Fingers crossed*
Shucks anxious la!!!
Btw cost me RM37 plus postage cos I tumpang Nini to buy......
Oh, oh, its coming on monday~!
What if it doesn't loook nice?!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Risk I Was Willing to Take

What do you think Pika? Is it nice?
It will cost me RM35, and its from an online boutique. I sure hope the quality is fine and the dress would turn out to be like the picture. Otherwise, it's gonna be a total bummer!
Furthermore not actually trying out the dress I am quite concerned if I would look fat in it. I have a dress which is almost like this one but shorter, and I look okie la. So crossing my fingers on this dress.
It should come in around next tue/wed.
Pika, oh Pika, what do you think of the dress??
(sigh, I might not get a reply from Pika. Alwaz got so much stuff to do. Bz fella. =_=)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Bali Trip Seems so Far Away

Lol we will so be the topic of conversation after the dinner!
Heck, we will definitely be remembered!! =P
So darling, are you game?
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can you see the size of that thing?????
Its so gigantic you feel like it can suck a whole lotta blood out of you! And it looks like a Aedes mosquito that can inflict Dengue desease.
The mosquitos here are so hungry they just don't give up once they find 'fresh meat'
Sigh, I feel like we are victims to these blood sucking insects here.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Today, we sorted our issues
OKIE LAH...........lolx
Obviously we must have improved otherwise I would just packed my bags and go home le. Otherwise we would have another case of grumpy old man today (hints to Pika). Hehe. But then again, yesterday was a more rested night for him la. But he seems kinda sleepy this morning. Maybe he will be grumpy today also. Hmm........
Anyway, as a result of bad sleep the day before, Pika became even more grumpy yesterday. Making me upset. Cos he starts getting aggitated on stuff which is not really that a big issue and showing a bit of temper.
Me no likes =(
Anyway towards the end of the day he improved his mood after a little jogging. I always think that exercising helps to relax a person as well. ^^
So anyway, after much digression, I slept on the outer side of the bed while he slept inside the bed where most of his body will be on the plank. Lol. He didn't need the blanket yesterday and so no issues on blanket.
Since he put extra blanket on the plank and was sleeping on it, I had more space and thus when he moves he didn't wake me up. And furthermore he didn't wake up during the night to pee pee or drink water so he didn't disturb me there too.
Only thing that was a problem was..........I woke up a few times at night and he snored so I couldn't get back to sleep immediately.
Oh well, this is unavoidable and thus I must learn to accept it I guess.
Now, I am so sleepy, I seriously need more sleep. Sob, sob, sigh, sigh..........
Monday, July 19, 2010
We fought with each other
Pika and I fought, and it involves physical contact as well.....
This was really, really, something we didn't expect........
And we ended up feeling tired the next day.........
What happened?
We fought................on the bed. LOL!
Went over to stay at his place yesterday and well, lets just say he's got this really 'HUGE' bed to fit us both.
So he, being grumpy cos he slept late the night before cos he went drinkin (humph) went to bed early with me and we went to sleep. I mean, we TRIED to sleep.
Below are mine & his complains:
1) I didn't share the blankie with him (well, you didn't ask Pika! So no fair blaming me xP)
2) I kept tickling him (obviously this is so wrong, cos how can I tickle you when I am sleeping? Obviously you were being sensitive Pika)
1) He used his butt to knock me off the bed onto a plank so 1 third of my body was only on the bed
2) He kept waking up and going to the toilet during the night thus waking me up in the process
3) Unfortunately because I woke up a few times in the night, I heard him snore and then was having difficulties getting back to sleep
So now, obviously who is the most unfortunate one here???
Ended up both getting no rest. Lol, a good learning experience.
Hopefully tomorrow we can improve the situation! =D
Thursday, June 17, 2010
New Blog Skin!!
I so, so, so love the new blog skin! Blogger is brilliant in coming up with nicer blog skins where I can customize them more! Don't you think it suits the blog better???
Ahh, now the blog really fits the title. Hehe. And I am sure you would like it cos its nature-ish. Hehe.
Btw at the side bar is a little profile I wrote. I know its super lame, but did it in a hurry so I dunno what to write. Kekeke.
Okla today a bit gong-gong and blur so cant really write a proper blog post.
Gonna sign off now.
Tell me what you think okie??
Friday, June 11, 2010
Pika's Gone
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
First Post For June
Lazy me =x
Anyway, Pika surprised me on Sunday by coming to see me dispite him being tired and all. I was also tired but then I manja him and made him spring up from bed to come see me. Wahaha! The torture I put him into. But it shows how much he loves me. Hehe. And for that I love him lots too!
Pika oh pika, I need more hug hug!
Sigh, gotta rush to see Pika for his mom dinner for her birthday!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Nothing to post wor...
Life's become mundane now. Lol. Nothing much to update really. Furthermore we see each other so often there is nothing for me to post neither.
Shucks, what's new? Lol.
Oh btw today was the day I put on make-up. I went around asking ppl's opinion about it. Lol. I think I can be quite psycho about what people think. Perhaps well I would like to know if its ugly or fugly la. So that I can improve? Keke, excuses.
Anyway general response was good. Except Ian who said at first my face look like kena tumbuk. Then when I ask him properly he said he was joking. Asked again if its okie and he said he wasn't use to it. Lol. Confusing.
Asked boss if he noticed and he said yes. He said it was good, made my face look fresher or brighter cant remember. And he HAD to comment that he thinks the transformation was because I had a good night before.
CIS! Why everytime it's got to twist to the other side?!?
Oh btw The Lecturer A (sure hope u know who i am referring to) obviously came over to my table today cos he borrow my white board marker. So yeah, me being pat gua go ask him wat he thinks. Cant really recall what he said but yeah it wasn't a very good comment.
But I am considering having my eye brow's shaped. What do you think Pika?
Keke I guess I am starting to get vain.
Well I guess I want to look presentable and like mommy said, professional MAHHH!!! Need to look elegant, poised so that people take me seriously.
Haha professional my ass la. I am such a noisy, hyper, woman, how to be professional?? Keke
Hee....and Pika's stuck with it!! Muahaha!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Busy Busy!
Its a good sign. Means I got stuff to do. But then its the old mundane stuff lo. Really getting tired of key-ing in enquiry forms. Mata sakit =(
Anyway Pika's been away to Johor since wednesday. Hehe, he is the one big mouth say I will miss him more than he will miss me, then on wed evening itself he pulak say first he miss me. Kekeke!
Well Pika, you're getting use to having me sticking to you adi. You cham adi. Next time you sure very heartache when I am not by your side. Later go for 2 days also kenot tahan adi. Hahaha!
Anyway I miss Pika too. Wonder what he bought for haha like only thinking of the gift only. =P
Nola Pika, BeeBee sure miss you de.....
Lol I almost puked at the last sentence.
Pika, do not under any circumstances call me beebee. I will get angry! I am serious!
-peace, hehe-
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wedding Bells Are Ringing
Seriously, its like the trend right now.
I was just talking to my colleague today about how I felt about it.
I seriously feel old.
Haha! I mean seriously, I'm already reaching my mid twenties in a few months time and this is like what, the age most girls marry? Of course, Pika, we have been through this topic before, don't worry I aint pressuring you to marry me k?
And no, yesterday's action of trying on diamond rings and bla, bla is not a hint okie.
I was just gatal wanted to try. LOL!
Anyhow it somehow feels quite freeky to see like everyone's getting married. It makes you stop and ponder like, "Eh? Why people getting married one?".....then you start thinking, "Aiyo, yalo quite old adi tht's why ppl getting married".....then suddenly it hit you, "Aiyah, I also old adi leh!!!"
Liddis, is what's the process tht goes through the mind. Haha!
Gosh, gosh Pika, now's the trend to get married.
Lets play pretend lo!!! Lets pretend we are married!!!
Hahaha! So Bo Liao!!!
Pika surely thinking, "my dear too bored at work adi, tht's why going crazy"
Well you can be right about the crazy part!! xD!!!
-sot sot adi-
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Not a good night
I don't know why nowadays I seem to be a bit more tense and sensative. Too tired? Daily routines getting to me? Not enough attention from him? I think its more of me entertaining those negative thoughts......bad, bad negative thoughts.
Well we didn't fight. It was just me getting overly sensative over a silly teasing he did yesterday night. Went home feeling a little blue cos you know, it doesn't help when you say you would blow up a pic of me, and take picture in front of disneyland when you know its like my childhood wish to go there one day.
You're not helping! =(
Already feeling a bit uptight about me, just entering the 5th mth of the year, already used up half my leave!! It's bad okie. I still have 7 mths more! Argh, its daunting you know. Cos you have to really think twice before taking the leave.
AHHHHHHHHH!!! Something's wrong with me. Somebody scold me please for being so emo!!
I am not like that one lor. Or maybe I am like that? Lol.
Haih, Pika, honestly am I being sensative? Maybe all the little little things that made me feel unappreciated suddenly piled up le. Doesn't help tht boss also thinks you're iniffecient you know.
You know what stricked me yesterday?
I went to gym, waited about maybe less than 5 mins and I got a parking space for myself. I was kinda worried and stressed that I couldn't find parking. Whispered to Holy Spirit my situation before reaching gym and behold, a parking space for me.
Really felt so happy I didn't have to turn round and round, fight with others for a parking space, missed a parking spot that was just actually beside me without even realising it, and getting to gym late. Really felt like so bangga I got a parking space so quickly. Felt like a little girl who just found a penny on the ground and went about her way skipping happily.
That's when I realised, "The simplest things / small details in life, can make a person so happy"
And that is also another reason why, God looks at all the little things you do.
Cos the little things you think it's not that significant, can actually do wonders when it is fulfilled.
Just like the simple parking space I got.
A little food for thought Pika.
Friday, April 30, 2010
The 5th Day
Well, this is not the first time we've been apart so long. He went to Miri once, so this time is the 2nd time. But I don't know why this time seems to be slightly longer. Lol. Maybe we've been so used to seeing each other so often that when we don't see each other for a week it seems like its long?
Maybe lah.........=P
Anyway today was a busy day for me. By God's grace and also Pika's direction I got to the school for the school fair safely and on time. But man the journey today was painful. SOOOOOOO JAM!!! Seriously dunno wats the reason for it. Janice says its because today is the last day to submit tax forms and that is why its jam. I think its because tomorrow is a holiday that is why everyone is going outstation.
Anyway........Pika's coming home tonight!! Yay!!!
Hope he brings lotsa stuff back for me. No wait, he better bring back one gift for one day!! Haha!!
I doubt he will la. Maybe one or two items. I already know I am getting a shoe. For sure he will bring back more stuff (crosses finger) but well, perhaps he might bring back the hotel soaps and shampoo for me cuz he stayed there for 5 days? Lol so 1 set for each day la!! Haha!!
I will kill him if he does so. I got so many hotel soap and shampoo adi. Enough liow. Haha!
Anyway will be looking forward to seeing Pika. We shall hug hug, smooch, and stare at each other the whole time tomorrow.
Hahaha!!!!!! Like EEEEEEEEE!!! Its disgusting writing it out compared to the action!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Hahaha! You like?? Dear you look like that on 3G. Haha okla not EXACTLY but you look this happy.
Hahaha! Soooooo Cuteeeeeeeee!!! Pika so cuteeeee!!! =P=P
Love you dear.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
We saw each other today!
I know, we've been together for 6mths and 7 days, yet this is the first time we 3G.
Well given that there wasn't a necessity for him to 3G me since we meet like 3-4 times a week so its fine la. Hahaha! Unless we can't get enough of each other that we need to see each other's faces everyday. =P
Anyway today's the obvious 3rd Day without seeing him, eh wait, I did see him but on 3G. Teddy Bear looked cute on 3G. Haha! With pinchable face and will make you go "Aww, wook at ta cuteeee teddie bear!! Ang gu gu!!"
Hahaha! I am purposely annoying him right now.
Seriously dear, you cannot run away from the fact that you are cute. Learn to embrace it. You'll feel the LOVE for it soon after. Kekeke!
Oh btw, just so random, I dunno why I had a picture in my head that CK was plump, nerdy, not so attractive and wears specs but he turned out to be thin and ok looking la. Not handsome but bearable. Wakaka! I am just saying okie??
Oh and and today, Jeanetta came back and gave me chocolates.

I know, like how to lose weight la!!! Sigh, so many temptations, so much fats......=(
Can I give it to you teddy?? Hehe.
And when Jeanetta passed the big chocolate to Janice, she actually first said the Hippo nose was a bit misleading. Maybe because of the angle she was looking. Let me zoom in for you.......
There! What do you think it looks like?? Hehehe.
Love you Dear. We 3G later k? lol like macam budak-budak hi tech. =P
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day 2 Without You
Though I like to talk, and can sometimes be extremely chatty, I don't think anyone with my level of hyperactiveness for chatting can withstand the amount of talking I had to do today.
Talk and smile till my mouth aches. Literally.
It's so numb you don't even feel like smiling cos it might just get stuck right there and cause you to look like a retard. Haha yes I am being sarcastic but you would get my drift.
Though I may be smiling.....inside me, I am actually like this.....
Sunday, April 25, 2010
First Post of The Year
Anyway the reason for this blog is to actually express my love to my darling.....
Keke, sounds so corny.....
Nolah! It's a fun blog, where I will be writing to my dear darling, telling stories about us just to keep the memories. Also to give an insight as to what I feel lah about anything. Lol.
Anyway, the blog post shall seem like I am talking to someone (which is my dear boyfriend) and thus we must name him. Very tempted to actually name him 'Vegetable' cos of an inside joke but then he might just kill me. Wakaka!
So dear DARLING, what would you like me to refer you to in the blog??
Obviously I shall be named bumble bee right??? I even have a picture of myself!
Thank you dear for doing a marvelous job of taking a breathtaking picture of me. Hehe.
I look so cute. LOL!
So dear, please drop me a comment on what name I shall call you in the blog. Otherwise, VEGETABLE it is!!!
-evil grins-