Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Blog Skin!!


I so, so, so love the new blog skin! Blogger is brilliant in coming up with nicer blog skins where I can customize them more! Don't you think it suits the blog better???

Ahh, now the blog really fits the title. Hehe. And I am sure you would like it cos its nature-ish. Hehe.

Btw at the side bar is a little profile I wrote. I know its super lame, but did it in a hurry so I dunno what to write. Kekeke.

Okla today a bit gong-gong and blur so cant really write a proper blog post.

Gonna sign off now.

Tell me what you think okie??


Friday, June 11, 2010

Pika's Gone

Pika is gone adi..........well not for good la he is coming back on sunday. Lol.

Pika went to Penang for apparently "work" but all I am hearing from him is eat, sleep, play game, shopping.......yeah. Sounds like work to me.

Boo hu hu no fair! I also wanna have "work" like that.

I want to stay in hotel!

Hahaha being mengada la. But seriously I would like to have a day or two, just relaxing doing nothing at all. No plans, no house work, nothing to bother my mind. Wake up whenever I feel like it, sleep as late as I want, do whatever that comes to mind, eat whenever I want, and go wherever I want to.

Hehe, sounds like the good old college days.

BUT! I don't want it for more than a week. Can seriously turn into this big green walking moss because of boredom if its more than a week. Madness I tell you. Hehe.

Pika, I wanna do my nails!! why is it so hard to find time to do my nails?!

Nvm, bring it to work tomorrow. Muahaha! -bumming plan in progress-

Pika I am eating more than I should adi....going to grow fat soon.....sob sob.

And looking at the picture below doesn't help.......but I know it tastes so good!!

Do you know where this picture is taken?
It is simple and nice. I love gula melaka ^__^

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Post For June

Hmm, its been awhile since I came here. Life's been pretty good with nothing exciting/emo to write. Happy moments are there but then I didn't have the time to jot them down. Lol.

Lazy me =x

Anyway, Pika surprised me on Sunday by coming to see me dispite him being tired and all. I was also tired but then I manja him and made him spring up from bed to come see me. Wahaha! The torture I put him into. But it shows how much he loves me. Hehe. And for that I love him lots too!

Pika oh pika, I need more hug hug!

Sigh, gotta rush to see Pika for his mom dinner for her birthday!
