Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A new journey for this blog, starting in 2013

Gosh, it's already 2013 and what the hell have I been doing to this blog?

Honestly I have been pondering for the longest time on whether I really want to start blogging and if I do, what kinda blog should it be? What is the purpose of a blog to me? To rant out my frustration? To tell the whole world about my life? To share of all the good things that I have?

Nay, those are not what appeals to me.

See many a times blog post of wonderful things happening may or may not portray the true side of the situation. It can be bombasted to become the most fantastic day of your life but in actuality it wasn't that great after all. Yeah sure, some of it are true, but I bet 70% of the time it's just for the sake of blogging.

So why am I taking about it? Just's my

Ok so I have thought about it so long, like should I write about my life? Do I want everyone to talk about my life? Then do I want to make it famous? (okla, a bit self praise here)....and really, even if I write who the hell is going to read???? Myself???? Which most probably be the case.....zzzz

Yes I am pessimistic, confused nut who doesn't really know what she wants in life.

Ok anyway I realized that in my life, I have never slowed down to be thankful for all the good things that I have. I rant almost everyday all of my life but rarely do I go 'oh, I am so grateful that this is happening to me'.

I figured, if this is my blog, and only I would most probably be my greatest fan and reader, then I should document stuff that is good for me, that would edify me, that would make me feel better whenever I read back on my blog.

So yes, I want to make this a gratitude blog. To be grateful for everything that I have. To slow down and think what I should be thankful for. And starting tomorrow, it will be a new journey for this blog of mine.

I want to discipline myself. I want to be thankful for what I have. I want to complain less, and learn to live life to my fullest.

Throwing away all angst, sorrow, frustration, and displeasure.....

To a whole new dimension on gratefulness, happiness, and thankfulness.....

For all that God has given me.....

-cheers to a new start-