Thursday, April 29, 2010


Was supposed to update yesterday but then I couldn't find the time and so I shall now do a 2-in-1 post......updates of yesterday and today! ^^


Well lets see, nothing much happened on this day though. My usual routine but then we had a meeting with boss. He did mention that he wants to see more iniciative from us and if we don't perform well he would open up higher positions to other staff from Lakeside.

Yes dear, although I already told you on the phone it is still lingering in me head.

I dunno la, I just feel like, sort of demotivated lor. I mean are we really that bad that he sees other people SOOOOOOO much better than us? Even to the extend that he feels the new staff would outshine us within a month. Geez, makes me wonder am I really that LOW? Really that bad in my job? Sigh, really only God knows =P

Anyhow went for my first personal training session at true fitness. It was okie, didn't really feel that tired after that. Just only my head hurts a little because one of the workout he asked me to do made my head go spinning a bit. 

All in all, it was an eventful normal day.


Okie today is seriously a busy day. I didn't know that writing minutes can be that long. All the details shortened, everyone's comment to be jot down, bla, bla, bla can actually take up the whole day! Well of course there were many distractions as well la like gazillion phone calls, walk-in enquiries, film club meeting.....etc.

Man, for once in Hartamas, I FEEL BUSY!!!!!!! *loud applause at the background*

Wakekeke, this date shall now forever be remembered because today-is-the-day-I-get-busy. Hope more of it to come. Not TOO OFTEN, but yeah feeling busy feels good sometimes. Makes you feel all important and efficient. Ceh.......hehehe!

And guess wat? Yesterday's workout although I thought was nothing I was seriously wrong. My muscles are aching today, everywhere! I sure hope I can remember what he taught me yesterday le. If I could repeat that routine everyday? Gosh I definitely will be fit one day! *starts imagining body. looks good!*

The battle with fats is seriously never ending......Pika, I am thinking of the choco Jeanetta gave le. How, HOW?!!

Oh ya btw Teddy Bear now shall be refered to as Pika due to some personal reasons. Heck, why am I explaining when no one's actually reading this except Pika?!!! Madness......

Anyway Pika I created an emoticon to reflect you.......

Hahaha! You like?? Dear you look like that on 3G. Haha okla not EXACTLY but you look this happy.
Hahaha! Soooooo Cuteeeeeeeee!!! Pika so cuteeeee!!! =P=P
Love you dear.

1 comment:

  1. lol...the emoticon is cute....i am happy to see you lor...are you happy to see me? miss you lots dear...nobody hug hug me all the time..just came back to the hotel not long ago after walk walk...most probably soon going out with the gang to makan...dun feel hungry though..hehe...hugz!muaks!
