Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 2 Without You

Today is quite a sucky day.

Though I like to talk, and can sometimes be extremely chatty, I don't think anyone with my level of hyperactiveness for chatting can withstand the amount of talking I had to do today.

Talk and smile till my mouth aches. Literally.

It's so numb you don't even feel like smiling cos it might just get stuck right there and cause you to look like a retard. Haha yes I am being sarcastic but you would get my drift.

Though I may be smiling.....inside me, I am actually like this.....

The pain, the agony!!!!! *whine, whine, whine*

Sometimes I do feel I need to just stop whining. But then again, that's what my boyfriend loves about me right? Righttt??? =P


On another note, today is actually the 2nd day Teddy Bear (my boyfriend, he's got a name now =P) is away from me.

I do miss him, and now that I don't have to meet him after work/gym, I have like a huge amount of time to play with. I don't have to rush to the gym thus me still blogging here at 6PM although by now I should be parking and getting my ass quickly to the exercise machine before its too late to see my boyfriend.

Phew, see what I mean?? Hehe.

Anyway I love him lots, and of course what is rushing to the gym, only exercising a teeny weeny bit, getting fat, and having tight clothes compared to having to spend more time with him eh???

Hahaha Teddy Bear, you're in Miri now so you can't kill me can you?

Anyway you should now KNOW I love you lots, and definitely am missing you here already.

Lots of Huggies & Kissies from BusyBee............

Wait, should I be called Whiny Bee today?? LOL


1 comment:

  1. So i come back, hee hee hee...kekeke, i love you too dear, try to control and reject all the emotions k, i will alwiz be here to sayang you :), jujst reach back from makan and chatting session with new frens.
