Friday, April 30, 2010

The 5th Day

Today is the 5th Day Pika's not here.

Well, this is not the first time we've been apart so long. He went to Miri once, so this time is the 2nd time. But I don't know why this time seems to be slightly longer. Lol. Maybe we've been so used to seeing each other so often that when we don't see each other for a week it seems like its long?

Maybe lah.........=P

Anyway today was a busy day for me. By God's grace and also Pika's direction I got to the school for the school fair safely and on time. But man the journey today was painful. SOOOOOOO JAM!!! Seriously dunno wats the reason for it. Janice says its because today is the last day to submit tax forms and that is why its jam. I think its because tomorrow is a holiday that is why everyone is going outstation.

Anyway........Pika's coming home tonight!! Yay!!!

Hope he brings lotsa stuff back for me. No wait, he better bring back one gift for one day!! Haha!!

I doubt he will la. Maybe one or two items. I already know I am getting a shoe. For sure he will bring back more stuff (crosses finger) but well, perhaps he might bring back the hotel soaps and shampoo for me cuz he stayed there for 5 days? Lol so 1 set for each day la!! Haha!!

I will kill him if he does so. I got so many hotel soap and shampoo adi. Enough liow. Haha!

Anyway will be looking forward to seeing Pika. We shall hug hug, smooch, and stare at each other the whole time tomorrow.

Hahaha!!!!!! Like EEEEEEEEE!!! Its disgusting writing it out compared to the action!!!



  1. lol...yea yea..i bring back one set of hotel stuff for you each bring back breakfast coupon oso...kekeke..nola..not so "mo lieu"..keke...see you soon dear..muaks

  2. Lol breakfast coupon?!! Cannot use also! Hehe
