Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Not a good night

Pika made me cry yesterday. =(

I don't know why nowadays I seem to be a bit more tense and sensative. Too tired? Daily routines getting to me? Not enough attention from him? I think its more of me entertaining those negative thoughts......bad, bad negative thoughts.

Well we didn't fight. It was just me getting overly sensative over a silly teasing he did yesterday night. Went home feeling a little blue cos you know, it doesn't help when you say you would blow up a pic of me, and take picture in front of disneyland when you know its like my childhood wish to go there one day.

You're not helping! =(

Already feeling a bit uptight about me, just entering the 5th mth of the year, already used up half my leave!! It's bad okie. I still have 7 mths more! Argh, its daunting you know. Cos you have to really think twice before taking the leave.

AHHHHHHHHH!!! Something's wrong with me. Somebody scold me please for being so emo!!

I am not like that one lor. Or maybe I am like that? Lol.

Haih, Pika, honestly am I being sensative? Maybe all the little little things that made me feel unappreciated suddenly piled up le. Doesn't help tht boss also thinks you're iniffecient you know.

You know what stricked me yesterday?

I went to gym, waited about maybe less than 5 mins and I got a parking space for myself. I was kinda worried and stressed that I couldn't find parking. Whispered to Holy Spirit my situation before reaching gym and behold, a parking space for me.

Really felt so happy I didn't have to turn round and round, fight with others for a parking space, missed a parking spot that was just actually beside me without even realising it, and getting to gym late. Really felt like so bangga I got a parking space so quickly. Felt like a little girl who just found a penny on the ground and went about her way skipping happily.

That's when I realised, "The simplest things / small details in life, can make a person so happy"

And that is also another reason why, God looks at all the little things you do.

Cos the little things you think it's not that significant, can actually do wonders when it is fulfilled.

Just like the simple parking space I got.

A little food for thought Pika.


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