Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nothing to post wor...

Pika, oh pika........

Life's become mundane now. Lol. Nothing much to update really. Furthermore we see each other so often there is nothing for me to post neither.

Shucks, what's new? Lol.

Oh btw today was the day I put on make-up. I went around asking ppl's opinion about it. Lol. I think I can be quite psycho about what people think. Perhaps well I would like to know if its ugly or fugly la. So that I can improve? Keke, excuses.

Anyway general response was good. Except Ian who said at first my face look like kena tumbuk. Then when I ask him properly he said he was joking. Asked again if its okie and he said he wasn't use to it. Lol. Confusing.

Asked boss if he noticed and he said yes. He said it was good, made my face look fresher or brighter cant remember. And he HAD to comment that he thinks the transformation was because I had a good night before.

CIS! Why everytime it's got to twist to the other side?!?

Oh btw The Lecturer A (sure hope u know who i am referring to) obviously came over to my table today cos he borrow my white board marker. So yeah, me being pat gua go ask him wat he thinks. Cant really recall what he said but yeah it wasn't a very good comment.

But I am considering having my eye brow's shaped. What do you think Pika?

Keke I guess I am starting to get vain.

Well I guess I want to look presentable and like mommy said, professional MAHHH!!! Need to look elegant, poised so that people take me seriously.

Haha professional my ass la. I am such a noisy, hyper, woman, how to be professional?? Keke

Hee....and Pika's stuck with it!! Muahaha!!


1 comment:

  1. dun need to shape eyebrow look fine now :),muaks..and i dun mind being stuck with you =P
