Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wedding Bells Are Ringing

More and more of my ex-school mates, even ex-collagues are getting married.

Seriously, its like the trend right now.

I was just talking to my colleague today about how I felt about it.

I seriously feel old.

Haha! I mean seriously, I'm already reaching my mid twenties in a few months time and this is like what, the age most girls marry? Of course, Pika, we have been through this topic before, don't worry I aint pressuring you to marry me k?

And no, yesterday's action of trying on diamond rings and bla, bla is not a hint okie.

I was just gatal wanted to try. LOL!

Anyhow it somehow feels quite freeky to see like everyone's getting married. It makes you stop and ponder like, "Eh? Why people getting married one?".....then you start thinking, "Aiyo, yalo quite old adi tht's why ppl getting married".....then suddenly it hit you, "Aiyah, I also old adi leh!!!"

Liddis, is what's the process tht goes through the mind. Haha!

Gosh, gosh Pika, now's the trend to get married.

Lets play pretend lo!!! Lets pretend we are married!!!

Hahaha! So Bo Liao!!!

Pika surely thinking, "my dear too bored at work adi, tht's why going crazy"

Well you can be right about the crazy part!! xD!!!

-sot sot adi-

1 comment:

  1. hmmm....u sure trying on the rings not a hint...maybe ur brain trying to tell u to tell me...kekeke...u ownself dun realize

    saw the post by kriesler on fb..hahaha...pressure pressure...kekeke...

    see you tonite..muaks
