Thursday, July 22, 2010


Yesterday morning Pika said he would dicipline me and make me sleep early.
Hehe, who thinks he will succeed??? =P
Pika oh Pika, you love me too much la. Tht's why I manja and get away scott free! Hehe.
Love you, Muacks!
Anyway this is just so random, I saw this mosquito resting nicely on the decorative umbrella I put on my monitor screen.

Can you see the size of that thing?????

Its so gigantic you feel like it can suck a whole lotta blood out of you! And it looks like a Aedes mosquito that can inflict Dengue desease.

The mosquitos here are so hungry they just don't give up once they find 'fresh meat'

Sigh, I feel like we are victims to these blood sucking insects here.


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