Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today, we sorted our issues

So yesterday night was............

OKIE LAH...........lolx

Obviously we must have improved otherwise I would just packed my bags and go home le. Otherwise we would have another case of grumpy old man today (hints to Pika). Hehe. But then again, yesterday was a more rested night for him la. But he seems kinda sleepy this morning. Maybe he will be grumpy today also. Hmm........

Anyway, as a result of bad sleep the day before, Pika became even more grumpy yesterday. Making me upset. Cos he starts getting aggitated on stuff which is not really that a big issue and showing a bit of temper.

Me no likes =(

Anyway towards the end of the day he improved his mood after a little jogging. I always think that exercising helps to relax a person as well. ^^

So anyway, after much digression, I slept on the outer side of the bed while he slept inside the bed where most of his body will be on the plank. Lol. He didn't need the blanket yesterday and so no issues on blanket.

Since he put extra blanket on the plank and was sleeping on it, I had more space and thus when he moves he didn't wake me up. And furthermore he didn't wake up during the night to pee pee or drink water so he didn't disturb me there too.

Only thing that was a problem was..........I woke up a few times at night and he snored so I couldn't get back to sleep immediately.

Oh well, this is unavoidable and thus I must learn to accept it I guess.

Now, I am so sleepy, I seriously need more sleep. Sob, sob, sigh, sigh..........


1 comment:

  1. ish ish...complain oni la you my dear...kekeke...i love you..today get mroe rest k...muaks
