Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Risk I Was Willing to Take

In my conquest to find a long dress.......
And well, basically would like to have it for the Bali trip......
I have taken a risk, one I consider quite nerve wrecking considering I have not seen it before.....
I actually went and bought this.......

What do you think Pika? Is it nice?

It will cost me RM35, and its from an online boutique. I sure hope the quality is fine and the dress would turn out to be like the picture. Otherwise, it's gonna be a total bummer!

Furthermore not actually trying out the dress I am quite concerned if I would look fat in it. I have a dress which is almost like this one but shorter, and I look okie la. So crossing my fingers on this dress.

It should come in around next tue/wed.

Pika, oh Pika, what do you think of the dress??

(sigh, I might not get a reply from Pika. Alwaz got so much stuff to do. Bz fella. =_=)


1 comment:

  1. the dress looks nice, why din get one guy's one (t-shirt or sumthin) for me also, then can dress up
